Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well, this holiday has come and gone,

and I must admit that I am glad it's over. While

I like to remember my departed loved ones on

Memorial Day, I find that old emotions are stirred

up and surface as raw spots. Perhaps it helps

with healing deep wounds, but there are sad

feelings when you place those floral tributes.

My late husband's resting place is in a

cemetery on a hill located on "The Trail of

the Lonesome Pine," and actually is directly

across from a tall pine that is silhouetted

against the skyline. I always think of the Fox

novel by that name when I see it. My daughter

made a beautiful arrangement for her father.

She can always outshine the florists on an


She loves flowers as much or more than

I , and we spent Saturday touring all the local

greenhouses. Her garden is incredible and

her new found passion for roses is consuming

all her free time. If the boys leave any, that is.

She was searching for Jackson and Perkins

climbers, "Blaze of Glory" and "Voluptious".

She had seen them earlier and bought others

instead and grieved because they got sold.

She did not find them , but I bought three.

These were my favorite ones that she has

blooming. One is a double "Knock-out",

and the other two are climbers; "Scent

of Heaven" and "Double Delight". I planted

two yesterday and trying to decide on a spot

for the other one. Mine will never be as

beautiful as hers (her pictures were accepted

for an online garden magazine) but I am hoping

for blooms.

Daughter and SIL took their son to the

airport yesterday to return to Iraq. She tried not

to cry, in order for the departure to be easier for

him, but she just couldn't help it. She said folks

were coming up and thanking him for serving

his country and it was very emotional. His two

weeks home just flew by, with dinners and

cookouts for him. He will be gone a year. Pray

that all our boys will be home by then.

Guess what! My niece had contractions

last night. Doctor said she would not make

it till June 1st, her due date. Today is her

little girl's birthday. New baby made it past Mem

Day, and if she isn't born today, she will

get a day of her own to celebrate her birth.

My niece is scheduled for surgery the 3rd,

because of the hematoma on her leg. She

is the one that was stabbed by a stranger

in a store as related in a previous entry.

Pray for an easy birth and a well baby.

We took the grandsons to the Sunday

School picnic and had a great time. We

enjoyed the food and afterward there was

a rousing softball game between the

"Has-Beens" and the "Want-a-Bees." The

Has+Beens were the over-35 bunch and

held their own, even though accused of

crowding the field. It was fun and frolic.

Son and friend had made a short

trip to Boone, N.C. a quaint little ski town

and Grandfather Mountain and area. He

was home yesterday and we just lounged

all day. We wore P.J.'s most of the day.

I was glad he had a day to rest. Me, too.

No more holidays until the Fourth of July,

and only one birthday in June. But I am

already looking forward to those.

Spring is hectic with so many events

that one has to be reminded sometimes

to "stop and smell the roses." Oh, yeah,

that reminds me, I have one to plant.

Catch ya later.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

A friend gave me a rose bush several years ago and it's now about 5 times bigger than it was. It's the only rose that has ever grown for me and I don't even know the name of it, but I do love it. I'll be praying for that one going over to Iraq that he may come home safely. I'm very proud of our service men that do so much and always pray for them. My DS#2 being one of them. He's not in Iraq but has served now for 19 years

Leigh/BlueDragonfly said...

::sigh:: I've never been able to grow roses.
Will keep your grandson in my prayers, your neice also.

:) Leigh

Beth said...

I hope all goes well with your niece!! I'd say that this has certainly been a pregnancy to remember, eh? That will be an interesting story for her child one day, but not for many years in the future, I'm sure. Hugs, Beth