Monday, January 5, 2009


That's an old surfing term, wipe-out that is, from back

in my younger days. Oh, well, in my imagination, at least.

Fact is, I wrote a rather long post on January 5, and totally

erased it, and I do not know what I did. Guess I'll test the

tides by publishing this before I go any farther. I was quite

annoyed and I pouted a few days before trying again. I wish

I wasn't such a novice at the computer. Heck, you should

have seen the ancient Remington that I learned to type on,

then you'd say, "You've come a long way, baby!"

In case I lose this and it floats forever out there in cyberspace,

I have only one thing to say, and that is:

Life's a beach, isn't it?

Life's a beach,

1 comment:

Leigh/BlueDragonfly said...

I saw that in the dashboard and wondered. It hasn't happened(here) to me-yet!
Only 5 months till life's a "sunny"'s been a long winter here!

:) Leigh