Tuesday, April 21, 2009


After all this time, I have made up my mind. No more
searching movie star magazines and hair style booklets
for me.
I am tired of trying to explain the style I want to my hair-
stylist (if you can call her that) because no matter how I tell
her about a new do, she cuts it the same way every time.
I know what I want but apparently, so does she and she
wins. The one time she changed was when I was relaxing
with eyes closed while she did the comb-out and gasped
when I looked in the mirror. I said, "But I do not part my
hair in the middle. My face is too round!" This woman
has been my stylist for three years now and I have never
requested a center part. She has conveniently ignored
the torn-out pictures of every starlet from Alba to Zeta-
Jones, and every modern style I have seen or devised.
I know it is hard to concentrate on snipping while
carrying on a conversation on a cell phone tucked
under her chin. Perhaps that is why I get a blunt
cut when I request a layered look. Perhaps that is why
I get a curly perm when I want just body. Maybe that
is why I get orange instead of champagne blonde
highlights. I get anxious when the timer has gone off
several minutes before she returns from the back.
But the cut, (Oh, my, the cut!) everyone knows that is
the most important part. Last time when I examined
the final results in the mirror, I gulped audibly. Then
I began telling myself, "Don't panic, it will grow out.
Your hair grows fast, it won't take long." Ha! A bad
cut lasts FOREVER! And you have to live with it
in the meantime. Of course, all the important occasions
come around during this time of exasperation. She
had the nerve to say ,the last time I went for a trim
after a bad perm (she had said, I am going to use
pink, then gray, then pink rollers this time and hope
it will give you more body") that "Your hair seems a
little dry." I did not say, " I have just had two hot oil
treatments and a deep conditioning treatment at
I am not a difficult client. I hide my displeasure
and write it off as lack of communication. But, I
think I have a solution. I have found a picture of my-
self that was taken twenty years ago, that has the
style I want. It is beside the point that the face was
thin with only one chin, the skin was smooth and
unwrinkled, and the hair was thick and glossy. I
am not asking for miracles. I know she does not
do plastic surgery or tummy tucks or camoflauge
make-up. Just please, please, for once can
we do it my way?

Monday, April 20, 2009


I had forgotten to include in my previous post
the bit of news that inspired the whole thing. Among
the highway hazards that I noted was the latest::
Motorists in the county adjacent to mine (where my
friend lives) spotted a meteor descending in that
vicinity one morning last week. At 6:30 a.m, early
morning commuters on their way to work saw it come
within a few hundred yards of earth before it split into
two pieces. The newspaper quoted a scientist as
saying it was a meteor instead of a meteorite because
a meteorite would have disintergrated when it entered
the atmosphere. He said it was probably farther south
than reported . No debris has been found thus far.
The article said that an average of 2 meteors a
day hit the earth (or oceans) and that 40,000 tons of
space material is added to the planet Earth each year.
My question: Who weighed it? I will never understand
how these calculations are arrived at but I find them
fascinating, none the less.
My falling rocks hazard does not seem quite
as bad as a meteor strike. I think I heard somewhere
that the city of Middlesboro, Ky is the only city
known to have been built around a crater left by a
meteor. Must have been a big one. Something to
ponder while looking skyward. I wonder if the
tool kit abandoned by the space shuttle can be
seen orbiting the earth with a good telescope.
Did you know that the Hubbell telescope was
engineered by a Kentucky scientist? Anyhow , a
fellow Kentuckian told me that. I must do a little
research on Snopes.com before I pass on these
things. In the meantime, watch for falling rocks.


I resolved to make my next post a happy one.

Therefore, I have my work cut out for me since I

chose the temporary title, "Highway Hazards".

Well, where I liive you can encounter various types

of hazards anytime you chose to go for a drive.

The highways going north and south have both

been built at great expense and effort since

portions of them must be carved from limestone

mountains, leaving highwalls that are terraced

to protect from rockfalls. Drillmarks are evident

from blasting and loose rock occasionally fall

onto highways. Sometimes wire mesh fences

are erected in the most dangerous places. We

joke that a search still continues for a missing

Indian chief named "Fallen Rocks" (and you can

see signs telling you to watch for him! )

You may also see signs picturing a leaping

deer at the usual deer crossings. That joke is

that a elderly lady who had a deer crossing sign

near her house called the Highway Department

asking them to change the sign to somewhere

else because "too many of those little fellas are

getting killed there where it is nowl". I dunno.

I'm not going to even comment on our supply

of coal trucks, log trucks and Sunday drivers. we

seem to have more than our share.

I love where I live nestled in a valley between high

mountains. A flatlander friend said, "How do you

stand being closed in by mountains on both sides.

You can't see the sky." But I can, you just have

to..... " look to the hills from whence cometh my help.

My help cometh from the Lord, who made heaven

and earth"..... and I feel sheltered and protected

by my beloved mountains. But I will be glad

to see them green again.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I mentioned briefly, in my last post, that I,
along with my family, had just endured a very
traumatic event. That event could have ended
the life of my precious niece and the life of
her unborn child, as well. Her almost four-
year-old daughter may have memories that
will haunt her for a lifetime. Even I have had
issues to overcome, as her aunt, and I can
hardly imagine what my dear sister, her
mother has endured. I can hardly answer
questions when asked because of waves
of nausea and trembling. So, I made the
decision to write a short version of what
happened as it was told to me. I hope this
will be thereputic for me.
Perhaps some of you will remember
the short poem describing my niece, that
I included in my previous journal. Here's
a tidbit,
" ............flower petal skin,
like the purest porcelain.
And the bluest eyes,
beneath the skies,..............."

This beautiful little girl that I love so much, is
all grown up now with a little blonde miniature
replica of herself that is now almost four and
is eight months pregnant with another little
girl baby.
She and her daughter went shopping
one morning last week. She became un-
easy when she felt that she was being
followed around the store by a stranger.
The woman (age 34) did not look and
act quite right, so my niece hurriedly took
;her selections to the check-out counter.
My niece was suddenly attacked from
behind by the woman, who slashed at
her repeatedlly with a steak knife. She
shielded the baby with her arms while
she screamed for help. She said it
seemed an eternity before another
customer, a brave man, tackled the
woman and pinned her arms until the
police arrived. His wife helped to
console my niece's daughter, while
they were trying to control the bleeding.
She had been viciously stabbed 6 times,
along with numerous cuts on her arms.
Two of the cuts were to the abdomen,
one on either side of the baby, barely
missing it (which they did not know at
the time.) The one to the thigh proved
to be most serious, as it entered the
muscle. She was taken to a nearby
hospital for emergency treatment,
then later transported to a neo-natal
hospital 150 miles away. An irregular
heartbeat from the baby was probably
caused by the stress.
When my sister called me on the
way there, she requested that I call
my prayer chain , which I did, and I
know that other local churches began
praying for them. Praise God, the
tests that followed showed a restored
rhythm and that the baby was fine.
My nieces wounds were treated and
she was released on crutches the
next day.
We were told later that the woman
had been released from jail the previous
day. She had been imprisoned for
stabbing another woman a few years
ago. Apparently, she was mentally
deranged, with a violent history.
The shock of this happening has
stunned our entire family and community.
I can't begin to express how violated we
still feel. Her little girl, in her grandmother's
care, refused to go into a store because,
"that woman might be there and kill me."
Accidents are hard enough to cope
with, but a vitriolic act of hatred and violence
shakes one to the core. We warn our
children to avoid dangerous places and
people, but to not be able to feel safe in
ordinary places in plain daylight just
blows ones mind.
It would be easy to slip into a
vengeful mood of retaliation. I was
helped very much by viewing a film
on "20-20" a few nights ago. It
showed a mother's journey to her
forgiving the murderer of her small
child abducted on a family camping
trip. As she said, "Hatred can eat
you alive." As a result of her efforts,
the killer was captured and convicted.
I definitely want my niece's
attacker to recieve the treatment she
must have. I am also praying that she
will not be loosed upon society again
until they are certain she is rid of the
demons which obviously possess her.
I pity her for her torment, but I embrace
loved ones that I could so suddenly
have lost. Thank God for answered\
prayers, and for sending that brave
man to her rescue. I , along with my
family, will be eternally grateful.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Hello! I am sheepishly back to blogging,
for the time being anyway. Kinda like missing
church for no good reason, one is reluctant
to return for fear of having been spotted
having fun. Well, I did enjoy a miniature
vacation to the Smokies, but other than
that, it has just been a hectic time for me.
I tore into spring cleaning those few nice
days in March, literally pulling out many
things that had been stored away, or
were cluttering my closets. I soon ran
out of steam, not being as young as I
once was, unfortunately. I attribute my
lack of enthusiasm, which caused the
postponing of cleaning, to the fact that
the weather turned ugly and cold, and
I just can't clean when it is dark and
gloomy. That said, I left everything
topsy turvy, waiting for sunny days. (Then,
I will want to be outside, gardening!)
Another reason for my dampened
spirits involved a family drama, actually
a tragedy, which I may or may not write
about later. Thank God that the family
member involved was protected by
angels, I believe, that prevented an
even worse result. I was terribly shaken
by this event and definitely needed a
brief vacation to gather my wits again.
Happily, I'm back and recovering.