Friday, January 9, 2009


Thank God IT'S FRIDAY! Or thank God if it is Monday,

or Tuesday, or any other day of the week. We have a

lot to be thankful for and every day should be filled with

gratitude to live yet another day. And thankful to live

in the USA . With all her problems, she is still the

best nation on earth, in my opinion.

Guess what, I ate an egg this morning! I probably

do not eat a half-dozen a year scrambled or fried. I

bake with them and I like deviled eggs but I really could

live without them entirely. But this morning I made

myself a loaded omelet. Bacon bits, diced peppers,

and cheese. then I had to have catsup. This egg

was a medium size but when I broke it, it had two

yolks. That rarely happens, and I really do not

like to think about it, but anyway.........I am

reminded of an old Archie Bunker show where

he was gagging and carrying on because Edith

said she liked hog jowl and he said, "I can't

believe you'd eat something from a hog's

mouth." To which Edith calmly replied,

"Well, Archie, you eat eggs, don't you?

Nuff sed. I am making a meat loaf for

supper and the aroma is reachin in here.

I don't make one often as there's only the

two of us. I like it cold for sandwiches later.

Not on my son's favorite list, though he

likes spaghetti, lasagna and burgers. I

tell him it is all the same ingredients but

he insists that it isn't. (I also tell him that

Mexican is all the same, just different

names prepared a little differently.

My meatloaf is pretty good. I have

eaten others that I like better than mine.

I use oatmeal for a binder and to slip

in something good for us, and NO!

I do not use an egg in it , do you?


BlueRidge Boomer said...

Wish my crew would eat meatloaf.....remember those meatloaf sandwiched from childhood...ahhhhh ...the good ole days.....Enjoy

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love meatloaf and it must be about time to make one as that sounds so good. I use oatmeal too and ketchup, onion and an egg. Sandwiches with the left overs are wonderful. 'On Ya'-ma

Sage Ravenwood said...

I'm never looking at eggs the same again...I never once thought of it like that, now I can't stop...(Hugs)Indigo

Leigh/BlueDragonfly said...

Yep, I use eggs and bread crumbs. And ketchup, worchestershire sauce, minced garlic, onions, and tomato soup(with a little brown sugar mixed in for the top) My son once asked me for the recipe....ehhh, I don't really have one, I just go by how much ground beef I start out with, till it looks like it's "enough".
I HAVE to make enough for leftovers for sandwiches-that's with swiss cheese, sauteed mushrooms and onions on an onion bun.
I was raised on a farm, one of my jobs was to gather the eggs-never stopped me from eating them!

:) Leigh

Beth said...

Mm, I love eggs! And they're not as bad for you as they once said. Eggs got a bad rap!

I use one in my meatloaf, along with a little milk to keep it all moist. Hm, looks like I might be making a meatloaf this weekend--thanks for putting the idea in my head!

Hugs, Beth