Friday, February 27, 2009


Yesterday was a beautiful day. We have been getting

teasers this month when a sunshiney day will appear only

to be followed by more blustery weather. Anyway, the temp

was near 60 and I so wanted to be outside that I was willing

to clean or weed or anything in order to soak up a few rays.

I suffer from S.A.D. anyway and at winter's end, I need real

sunshine to warm my aching bones and lift my spirits.

So, I decided to clean my sorely neglected porches. I was

planning to move the glass-topped table and chairs from

the upstairs porch down to the one near my driveway, but

I soon realized that was much too big a project for me so

I decided to postpone that chore and to tackle the carpet


I had a piece of indoor-outdoor carpet (8X10', or there-

abouts) that had a glider and a setee and a small table on it,

which I scooted off to the side. The only water hose that is

hooked up now would not reach to the upstairs porch. I

rolled up the carpet and threw it over the railing. As it was

getting late with me expecting my "date", I decided I'd

best wait till today to scrub it down. So I pulled and tugged

until I got it spread lengthwise on the chain link fence out

back. It really isn't all that heavy until it is wet. So I went

merrily on my way and forgot all about it until I had gone

to bed when it briefly crossed my mind. The wind was

blowing strong, howling gusts. We have had March

winds early this years, trouble with trees blowing down

and such.

I awoke before daylight around six, I guess and I could

hear the rain pouring down outside. I remembered how

strong the wind was blowing last night and thought, "I'd

better look." Our lot is at a "Y" where two roads intersect

and the wind comes sweeping down from both directions.

I have learned not to leave baskets, patio cushions, etc.

out or I will be retrieving them from across the highway.

Right now I have four garbage cans that are minus their

lids. After many rescues, they are gone forever perhaps

in the nearby swollen stream. My garbage service was

always leaving them off anyway. Well, I digress, on with

my tale, or fable, or whatever it is.

I turned on the outside floodlight facing the back fence.

No rug! I peered right and left and saw no sign of it. It was

still raining so I did not venture out and waited until later in

the morning. But as I drank my morning cuppa, a stray

thought crossed my mind. What if...........what if my rug

had blown out in the road in front of a passing motorist??

Would they think it was a UFO, or maybe Aladdin's

magic carpet? I thought wistfully of an inside joke that

my late husband and I shared throughout many years.

Once I asked him if he knew where my broom was and

he smart-alecked back with, "Why, you going for a ride?"

Could I let that pass with a wry smile and go on. Oh, no!

I got so irate with ruffled feathers that he enjoyed it so

much that he used it time and again to annoy me and it

never failed to do so. I always told my kids to ignore

joking as it only encouraged jokers to tease and poke

fun but I couldn't follow my own advice this time. I do

miss his offbeat humor and good nature. It helped us

through some tough times.

I got side-tracked again, didn't I? To conclude, I

found my magic carpet in a ditch line at least 30 feet

from the fence. Can you imagine wind strong enough

to blow a big piece of carpet that far? I finally got it

scrubbed and laid out to dry on the steps to the

barbecue shed. But I am going to keep an eye out

for a genie, now what would I wish for?

As a postscript, we are supposedly getting SNOW

tomorrow and Sunday. No, No, I reject that forecast.

I want more sun. I object, I reject, I will fly to Florida.


Beth said...

We had high winds here, too, and I can just imagine your magic carpet ride! :)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'd like a magic carpet some days too. My DDH was like yours and had that kind of humor. Good memeories we have. Being opposites, we were good for each other. I wont' clean the porch off til April or May here...the weather doesn't get nice til then.
20 days til Spring! 'On Ya'-ma