Sunday, March 1, 2009


Today is the last of February
and I wish that it would hurry.
March will be welcome here
for we have had a frosty year.

As we are out tonight so late
A friend's birthday to celebrate.
The falling rain turned to sleet and
soon iced the walk beneath my feet.

On the long drive home,
in the headlights glare
the snow was swirling
through the chilling air.

It seemed like we centered
the blowing snow as into
the nucleus of it we drove,
me and the man I love.

The snow was a beautiful sight,
sparkling in the shining light.
It did not stay to give me fright.
But vanished quickly tonight.

To our homes we did arrive
and I had to breathe a sigh
for that lovely enchanted ride.
It's so good to be alive.

The weather now will be mild.
After a winter that was wild.
A few more days left to go
to enjoy invigorating snow.


Leigh/BlueDragonfly said...

March-in like a lion, out like a lamb
Or vice versa-here, it came in like a frozen lamb. ::sigh::

Very nice verse!

:) Leigh

Beth said...

Very nice, Pat! I'm glad you stayed safe. Personally, I am SO done with winter!!

Hugs, Beth