Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The new baby arrived to meet her family yesterday
at 3:12 p.m. Her mother, my niece had been admitted
to the hospital Monday night and her labor induced by
an intravenous drip. The labor began in earnest around
daybreak and proceeded slowly all day. I arrived around
ten o'clock and tried to provide moral support for my
anxious sister.
After dilation reached 6, an epidural was given and
there was some fear that it was wearing off around 1:00
and the anesthesiologist was called to give a little extra..
The pushing began in earnest around 2:45 and little
Pateyn Brooke arrived soon after that. She weighed

8 lb. 3 ozs.
She is a beautiful baby and will probably be blonde
like her mother and sister. She has a pert little nose
and big eyes and a sweet, little rosebud mouth. I can't
wait to hold her. Her sister was hyper in the waiting room
but unusually subdued when she met the baby. She was
more excited to be going home with her little cousins to
spend the night. It should be interesting to see if she
is willing to share the limelight with the new baby.
I came home exhausted. I must have pushed with
every contraction, holding my breath with each one.
I remember how tiring it can be to spend days (and
nights ) in the hospital, with love ones. It is not the
physical activity that drains one, but the emotional.
I am so glad that it is over and we have a healthy
baby. She is our miracle baby as her mother was
stabbed on both sides of her abdomen, barely
missing the baby with each wound. Now that the
baby is here, her mother will have surgery on the
hematoma that has formed on her leg between
the three wounds there. The trauma of her mom 's
attacked by a deranged total stranger while shopping
in a local store is still causing her daughter to fear

closed doors, all knives, and any absence of her

mother. Hopefully the arrival of a sister will displace

all those bad memories. I pray for health, and

happiness for this young family. Thank you, Lord,

for the blessings we have already received.

1 comment:

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a blessing that little one is. Thankfully your neice and the baby survived.