Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hello, Dahling!

Well, Hello-o-o Dahling! It's so nice to have you back where you belong! You're looking
swell, dah-ling, I can tell, dah-ling. You're still goin', you're still growing, you're still bloggin'
strong...................That's an oldie with a new edition, just like me. I still haven't quite figured
out how to move my journal into the archives of this one. Hopefully before Halloween. Ha!
Getting to look like a reunion around here. Friends with facelifts!
This has to be a quickie, but I will catch up later with news of weddings, reunions and such.
In the meantime, love you much. So glad you came. Catch you later. Pat


Happy Being Me said...

Thank you for your visit ~ I can tell you now your gonna be fun! Happy you left me your link - I shall follow. Take care and enjoy!

Beth said...

I'm so happy you made your way over here, Pat! I was just thinking about you this morning, wondering if you were going to make the move, and planning on emailing you to see if you needed any help. I can see that you didn't! :)

As for moving your stuff over, I did both of our blogs today, and it worked like a charm. I don't think you'll have any problem at all, but if you do, don't hesitate to email me!

Hugs, Beth

Rjet33 said...

I got my journals transferred over, thankfully, but sadly, lost all of my comments from friends in the transfer. In reading your about me, I see we have some things in common. Tis always nice to make new friends.



hedwiggy8 said...

I too just made the change from AOL. I couldn't figure out how to transfer my few entries over because I am somewhat new to blogging, so I just did a copy and paste and of course lost all my comments and have only located a few old friends here at blogger. Looking forward to reading some more posts from you.