Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Rough Transition

I am just now attempting to transition to the new journal, and I am in the
midst of dismay. I guess the old habits are so ingrained that I am having
difficulty adjusting. I have been copying the archives manually, mainly because
I wanted something tangible to refer to as I use them for memory prompts as
I intend to compile a small book for my grandchildren. But I also wanted to
transfer if possible. The first thing that happened was the refusal to accept
the Google password I had established. So I changed it . Oh, well!
I missed my call today. My sweetie and I call each other after lunch every
day, but today he has gone to the church to help make apple butter for the
youth group to sell as a fund-raiser. They made 195 quarts last Thursday and
hope to have that many today. I helped with several of the stir-offs last year
but I am not risking arthritis flare-up this year as we are experiencing a cold
spell. We made the apple butter in the outside picnic shed, enclosed with\
tarps and we had a roaring fire in the huge fireplace, but it was still cold.
I miss doing it because it was great fun, with fellowship and a great country
dinner. Stirring the huge cauldrons reguire several people to switch out
turns stirring with long oar-like paddles. The applesauce must be seasoned
with cinnamon and cinnamon oil, and stirred continuously for several hours
before it is ready to be canned in fruit jars. Maybe the next canning will be
during a warmer spell and I can help then. It has become a tradition.
Apple butter is wonderful on a hot, home-made biscuit!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It takes time but blogger isn't really all that bad once you get used to it. I wish I had printed a hard copy of all my entries and made a book to keep. I'm going to try and faithfully print out the entry each day from now on. My oldest son makes apple butter on a much smaller level using a big pot on the kitchen stove. We all get to enjoy it every year. Staying in and keeping warm is a very smart thing to do. 'On Ya'-ma

Beth said...

I don't know if you remember reading about it, but my family had their apple butter get-together in September. Yes, it takes all day and constant attention! Maybe you can plan it a little earlier next year, so it's not so chilly. Mmmm, it's so delicious!

Keep working with Blogger--I think you'll get used to it. I'm no expert, but if you have a question about something, don't hesitate to email me and I'll help you if I can!

Hugs, Beth

Happy Being Me said...

I hope everything works out in your favor and you find Blogspot to be a fun place to share your thoughts. Take care and enjoy your Today,