Thursday, November 6, 2008


Doom and gloom in the news has many of us wearing long
faces and moaning and groaning about the prospects ahead.
You notice that I included myself in that category? I received
my "comeupance" at prayer meeting last night. I had allowed
fear to creep in ( that old demon), and I was falling into the
habit of counting my problems instead of my blessings. That
is easy for me to do with winter coming on, which brings
an automatic greyness to my moods. Bu-u-t--------------------- !
The first thing that happened was so uplifting that my
bleak outlook changed instantly! The sister of my dear friend
and co-worker got up first to testify. She had wonderful news!
My friend, stricken with Legionairre's Disease and complications,
had been comatose for two months. Little hope for her recovery
had been extended to her spouse and son. The dreaded words,
that I despise,"just a vegetable", were even uttered. B-u-u-t.............
Praise be to God, she awakened and told her son that she had
to get home and take her sister to Wal-mart! Naturally, her son,
our little preacher at church, was so exhilarated he could hardly
contain himself. On further conversing, it was determined that
her memory of several years was affected. She thinks her
son is her brother and that she is still a young, unmarried girl,
but, the hopes that she can regain those years and be restored
to health are just bubbling over in all of us. It was a joyous prayer
service and I felt like I was walking on clouds of glory!
The pastor stressed that much as we all want to be
independent and self-sufficient, we are really dependent on
God's mercy for even the next breath we take. When we
surrender our will to His, He is able to accomplish great
things in our lives. We are truly blessed as a people in a
great nation and we need to return to an attitude of gratitude
for the privileges that we enjoy and often take for granted. We
have received a wake-up call with the failing of monetary things
and institutions. We need to get back to the basic ideals that
made us a great nation. The very idea that the words "In God
we Trust" be taken off our money is indicitive of the decline
and erosion of our values. We respect freedom of worship
and all beliefs, but our founding fathers built this nation on
those very words.
I may have to battle depression in the months
ahead, but I am not alone. God did not promise that we
would not have trials, only that He would sustain us and
help us to overcome them. I believe that everything works
together for good to them that love the Lord and obey
his Word. In the still of the night,, when I am burdened with
issues that seem to have no answer, let me count my many,
many blessings, and trust God in all things.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I know what you are saying. So many times I've had the opportunity to find out just who is in control. That is the reason I am always so thankful for things. Each day is a blessing.
'On Ya'-ma

Happy Being Me said...

Our God is an awesome GOD! The prower of prayer prails. Amen! Take care and enjoy your Today!

Beth said...

I'm so happy for your friend and her family. That's wonderful news, and I hope that she can begin her recovery!
