Wednesday, November 19, 2008


My grandsons never cease to amaze me! The sibling
rivalry that seems to motivate them to excel is so strong that
while it can be exasperating when it becomes intense can
at times be humorous, even touching.
Rivalry is never more evident than when they are
confined together in the back seat of a car. The close
quarters brings on the bickering and boredom adds to
the mix. McCaleb, the younger, is always competing
with his three-year older brother. Always trying to
measure up to his brother in sports and academics
puts him on the defensive. A sample of this was
observed last week., when they were being driven
to one of their many after-school activities.
After they had indulged in a little good-natured
thumb wrestling, a moment of quiet ensued. Then,
McCaleb observed seriously, "Tyler, I know that
I am going to be rich when I grow up, but I am not
so sure about you." To which Tyler replied , a little
annoyed, "That really boosts my confidence, Bub,
glad you shared that with me." Their mother had
to smile wryly in the front seat, while trying to
maintain her composure. This is the kid who
pestered his Nana into agreeing to buy him a
Lotus Elise if he gets into Harvard.
He may have illusions of grandeur or else
he is a dreamer. Anyhow, he has plans and
for now anyway that keeps him focused. His
brother is more the realist. He wants to be
a doctor after a camp experience that let
him observe two weeks in a local hospital.
Another time, McCaleb told him,
"Tyler, you don't have much imagination.
I believe I have twice as much imagination
as you do." ( He is forever drawing the
interior of buildings, or spacecraft or such.)
They are both great kids. I look at
them and try to imagine their future. I hope
to be around to see them succeed and live
out their dreams. If possible, I will be there
one way or the other.
In the meantime I am looking around.
Do you know anyone with a Lotus Elise
for sale at a give-away price? I could store
it away for a few years.


Sage Ravenwood said...

Priceless. It's awesome to see them so motivated. Even if it is somewhat sibling rivalry. (Hugs)Indigo

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Grand children are a joy and a blessing for surse. 'On Ya'-ma

Beth said...

Ha ha! No, I'm afraid mine is in the shop. LOL

What a great story--how can you keep a straight face when hearing some of that stuff?

Hugs, Beth

Bookncoffee said...

Thanks for visiting my journal. I'm following. I will enjoy reading about your life. I love it already.