Monday, November 3, 2008


Well, it seems like it has been forever since I have been
able to sit down and post in peace. October was such a hectic
month, it always is for me. It signifies change, and I do not
handle change very well. Is that a sign of getting old? If lack of
flexibility is an indication, I certainly fit the bill, whether I admit
it or not.
I did not expect to be as upset by my journal on AOL closing
as I was. I procrastinated about transferring it all month while I
lollygagged around, thinking I had plenty of time. The month went
by so fast that the dreaded day arrived before I was out of denial.
Faintly reminescent of my cancer surgery which took place on a
Halloween evening some fifteen years ago. (Praise God that I
did not put that off too long, as I am in habit of doing! After the
ten year time elapsed I finally believed that I was free of it. ) I am
digressing from the subject of my lost journal. As I tried to save
it on the last day, the tears flowed freely, to no avail. It may be
floating somewhere in cyberspace, now, and I am left with my
memories of time spent creating it. Strangely, I felt like I had
lost a child, an imperfect embryo, but a child of my heart, no
less. I grieve. Nuff sed.
We, as a nation, are also approaching a new beginning.
The outcome of the election, tomorrow, will be a fork in the
road. Hopefully, we will not have to regret the road not taken.
We will live with our choice for at least the next four years, God
willing some unforeseen circumstance. I will pray for the victor,
as he faces an awesome responsibility of guiding this nation
back to prosperity and peace. May God grant him wisdom and
honorable service as he makes decisions that will impact all of
us. My daughter is now at the airport in Tennessee to welcome
a visiting Senator McCain and she invited me to go. I declined
in deference to preserving my voting privacy. As usual, I have
not even told the children how I intend to vote. My privilege and
they respect it , ( not beyond trying to influence me in this divided
family.) I always tell them to just vote their conscience, as I do.
On a humorous note, this little tidbit from Halloween. My
eleven year old grandson debated about trick or treating this
year, but finallly decided to go with his little friend. One street
in town is always deluged with costumed kids and notoriously
treats generously. (The city blocks this street off as a precaution
to autos so it is known to be a safe place to allow kids to treat.)
When the two little boys came back to their waiting mothers,
the friends mother peered into his plastic pumpkin and said,
"Well, Thomas, I think this is the least candy you ever got
trick or treating." To which he replied seriously, "It's this
dog-gone economy." That sent the mother's into gales of
laughter, until they soberly realized that the dire predictions had
even filtered down to the children. Next year, they will be too
old to go, and I suppose like many, the age of innocence is over
all too soon. When they told me about it, I reasoned that the
residents on that street, besieged by ghosties and goblins, had
to limit their treats. My son had a table set up in the park and
his office gave out 800 treats before they ran out. He was some-
what overwhelmed by the turnout. Since the churches have gone
together (and businesses) to have games and treats in the
park (trunk or treat) I do not get the trick or treaters like I did.
That is a relief since I worry about the children. Sorrowfully, I
heard about a pregnant woman in a nearby town who was
taking her small daughter and was killed by a car. I will be
glad that my grandson will not be going next year, even though\
wistful at the passing of this tradition. I have never been a fan
of Halloween. By the way, my grandson was dressed up as
a wolf, so I guess the folks he went to visit really thought that


Happy Being Me said...

I, like you don't like change or the learning curve that accompanies it. Hoping your Monday treats you well. Take care and enjoy,

Sage Ravenwood said...

From the mouth of babes, dog gone economy is right....

I'm so sorry you weren't able to save your journal dear friend. My thoughts are with you on missing that old friend. (Hugs)Indigo

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Many of us are bemoaning our AOL loss, but it does seem that there are some benefits to jounaling here on blogger too. I'm getting used to looking at my dash board for recent entries instead of the alerts we used to have. Now that October is passed we can try to adjust to the big changes and move on. 'On Ya'-ma

Beth said...

Too cute about your grandson and his feelings about the economy! He's a smart guy....