Monday, November 24, 2008


We've had it. Up to here. (pointing to throat!)
Thanksgiving dinner, that is. And it was wonderful.
My daughter, with her husband's help, prepared
almost all the meal. He is a great help in the
kitchen. I had volunteered my assistance but I had
a bad night with very little sleep (arthritis, that has
been aggravated by our latest cold spell). I fell
asleep sometime around daylight and it was ten
o'clock before I arose. Thankfully, I had already
prepared my part of the feast before bedtime. I
had cornbread stuffing, broccoli casserole , and
a fruit tray in the fridge. (I thought I was getting off
easy with the fruit tray, but I realized later how time
consuming it is to prepare one. But it was pretty,
colorful and appreciated. My picky grandson so
loves all fruits and melons.
This week I went through my Lecture #12,
(according to my daughter) about being frugal
and not preparing too much food, as we usually
do. With the economy being so scary, I doubled
up on the intensity. To which Kammy replied,
"Now, Mom, I only have one way of cooking for
company, Food and lots of it." And she is a
great cook, taught by my mother. I can't take
credit for that.
And what a spread it was! Turkey, ham,
smashed potatoes/gravy, stuffing, cranberry salad,
chicken tetrazzini, green beans, corn, birthday
cake( my sweetie's), pumpkin and apple pies,
rolls, and punch. She had asked what my boy
friend likes and I had said sweet potato casserole
but she forgot to buy them and made a whipped
carrot casserole that tasted almost exactly like
the yam one. Even fooled my sweetie.
Did we overindulge? Of course! But I
observed my daughter loading up the left-overs
so that each family could take some home for
supper. They took plates to their bachelor
neighbor, and still had enough to eat for a
day or two for themselves. It may have gone to
waist, but for sure, it did not go to waste.
There was a feeling of great thankfulness
for the years bounty and God's blessings for
us. We prayed for the safety of the twin son
who is now is Iraq. Hopefully he will be there
with his brother, who has already returned
from Iraq, next Thanksgiving. A career man,
this is his second tour there.
We had dinner on Sunday, instead of
Thursday, so that some could be with parents
on that day. One parent just got out of the
hospital, and could not come but they will
be with him on Thanksgiving. I am re-
minded by my children that the last ten
years of my mother's lifed, she sweetly
told us that each holiday might be her last
one to spend with us. Until it finally was.
However, my parent's presence is felt,
in observing the rich traditions and warm
family fellowship that we cherish so much.

(That warm turkey was wonderful, but

I am looking forward to sandwiches for

lunch today, and I haven't even had my

breakfast yet.) Happy Thanksgiving, to

all my friends and journalers, where-ever

you are. Give thanks!


Beth said...

Pat, I'm so pleased to hear that you had such a wonderful time with your family! It sounds great, both the company and the food!

Funny that you mentioned turkey sandwiches. Another blogger mentioned that, and it struck me as sounding so good, that I'm looking forward to the sandwiches almost more than the turkey! LOL

We'll be driving to Missouri on Wednesday, and spend a few days with Ken's mom. I'll miss my own family, but we'll be spending Christmas with them.

Have a lovely week!
Hugs, Beth

P.S. My word verification is "wides." Is that going to be all of us after the Thanksgiving feast?! ;)

Bookncoffee said...

Wow so you had your Thanksgiving already. Sounded wonderful.
Take care and have a good Thanksgiving Day tomorrow.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

A very Happy Thanksgiving to you!