Tuesday, December 9, 2008


My daughter called last night to tell me she had
made a trip to the ER clinic with my youngest grandson,
who is eleven. She went on to tell us the reason.
She picked the boys up after school, the older one
had basketball practice at 6:00 so they decided to
stay in town until then. The younger one asked for
hot chocolate so she stopped at a fast food place
to get it. I think she went through the drive-through.
Any way, he had the styrofoam cup in the back
seat when they started through a traffic light and
she had to stop suddenly. The lid came off when
it tumbled onto his foot, sending the scalding
hot chocolate into his shoe.
She stopped to see how bad it was, but
the light was dim and it had not blistered yet,
so she took him on home, crying. When they
arrived, she saw that it was a very bad burn.
Twelve large blisters had raised and the whole
foot was red. (He counted them) She at once
took him to the clinic and they treated the foot
and bandaged it. He had a second degree
burn. He told me that the Doctor said that
he had the biggest blister he had ever seen.
He repeated this to me somewhat proudly.
They told him to miss two days school and
then they would dress it and reevaluate it.
My son wanted to take me there at
once but daughter said she would stay with
him today and I could come tonight and stay
with him tomorrow as she had meetings
scheduled she should not miss. A burn hurts
so bad, he needs a little petting from Nana.
He called me this morning to come
so his mother could go pick up crutches for
him. (She told me to wait) The sweetest
thing, though, he said, "Nana, I want you
to talk to Mom. She is beating herself up
over this, saying it was her fault, and it was
not ." So I got her on the phone and told
her what he said, and she did sound low,
so I told her that Accidents Happen to
everyone, no matter how cautious they try
to be. Both of us are over-protective and
guilt-ridden if anything happens. She has
so much on her mind all the time, trying
to work and be SuperMom , too. It is such
a hectic season, also.

We are having terrible wind here today. It
will almost knock you off your feet. I went
out to retrieve various things that had blown
from my yard, across the road into the field.
Lawn chair cushion, emptied flower planter,
garbage can lid, and metal dog dish among
the items I picked up! A cold, fierce wind
that is much worse than March is blowing.
I hurried back in as fast as I could . So
much for my porch decorating. It will have
to wait. Is there a hurricane on the coast?

Hope you have a happy, safe and healthy
holiday season. One day at a time!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Accidents do happen like you say. I do hope all is well in a few days and your grandson can be happily at school and play once more. I know you'll enjoy spending some time with him. Very windy here too accompanied by rain.
'On Ya'-ma

Happy Being Me said...

Poor lil guy. Although accidents do happen a mother being a mom will never end. Hoping he finds comfort and relief soon. Take care,

Beth said...

Aww, very sweet that he was so concerned about his Mom! If it's that cold and windy outside, I bet he'll enjoy spending a couple of days inside with Nana. (I'm thinking that Nana might enjoy it just was much!)

Hugs, Beth