Thursday, December 11, 2008

I really do not know where this entry will go. I feel the need to
express the whirlwind of random thoughts that occupy my mind
at the present time. But I am not sure how to frame them in a neat
concise way so that they are not perceived as discordant notes from
a fragmented mind. None are significant, yet none are irrelevant.
Usually when I reach this state of mind, I write a poem. Poetic
liscence enables me to express the bubbling, churning well-spring
of emotions and ideas that form and rise unbidded to the surface.

Many of the things I could write about are important only to
me, and not to my few but faithful readers. Do I bother them
with the mundane descriptions of my everyday life, reveal
my innermost thoughts and passions, or should I relegate this
blog to topics that are generally acceptable, such as the weather?

I am a modest, private person, often hesitant to allow close
friends to enter that inner sanctum. Yet, I yearn for close friends
who accept me as I am, with all my eccentricities and minor
phobias. Yet, that invites criticism and I shield my id from
anything but constructive criticism. Or what I construe as
constructive criticism. Too sensitive? Yes, I am. I was often
urged by professors to publish my poetry and essays, but I
could never bring myself to make that first appearance with
creations that I deemed less than perfect. Much less.

Through this blog, I have embraced the fact that even less
than perfection can be valued and accepted. A venture that
started out to be a cataloging of events in a mediocre life has
brecome a vehicle of expressing personal emotions and ideas.
For that, I am thankful. And when I am gone, someone,
somewhere, may know and remember that I existed. That
I was here and that I was glad that I was.

Oh, golly! That's profound. Get me out of here and into
a lighter realm. Next time, I promise.... well, maybe, humor?


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I know what you are saying and although my journal is often full of the mundane I do try to give to all some good thoughts along the way. I don't know how I'll be remembered but today I hope that I gave someone a cause to smile.
'On Ya'-ma

Beth said...

It never ceases to amaze me that there are people that actually want to read what I write! For me, it's just something that I've enjoyed doing for many years, and it does help to get your thoughts in some sort of cohesive order. And knowing that you may have touched someone along the way makes it even better. I know how you feel.

Hugs, Beth

Rita said...

You have no idea how I relate to your need for privacy. Is it introversion? It is for me.